
11 May 2024

South Africa vs Argentina

Inanda Club, Sandton

Dress Code
Couture on the Green

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Field-side picnics offer an immersive experience of the front-row, faced-paced polo action. The picnic sites are perfect for hosting 10 guests or more, with VIP spaces and catering options available for you to make the day your own. Whether you’re a seasoned polo patron or a first-time spectator, this option will surely leave you entertained!

Contact Vicky for more information, or download the package below.


Our 2024 Partners

The Nedbank International Polo is proud to work with leading category partners in
support of South Africa’s inaugural international match fixture.

The South African Polo Association (SAPA) is the official administrative controlling body of polo in South Africa. All clubs affiliate through their provincial bodies to SAPA, which, in turn, affiliates to Hurlingham Polo Association (based in the UK) and Federacion Internationale de Polo (based in Argentina). SAPA’s constitution was first formulated in 1905, making it one of the oldest sporting bodies in the country.
The role of SAPA is to administer the annual fixture lists, what the handicaps of all players, disciplinary matters, help coordinate development initiatives and to govern policy relating to all matters regarding polo and polo ponies. SAPA is a Section 21 non-profit organisation and assists its affiliated provinces and clubs with interest free loans for the benefit of its members.
Visit the website for annual polo fixtures.